Tax Library

All Clients

Please review the forms and FAQ section of this page as it will answer many of the questions you have.  You can utilize the Tax Appointment Checklist to help gather forms, as well as referencing your prior year’s tax return.

New Clients –

  • Fill out, sign and return the TCB Tax Organizer
  • Provide a copy of your prior year’s tax return
  • Provide a copy of all taxpayer’s photo ID
  • All current year tax documents

Returning Clients –

  • Use the TCB Tax Organizer to provide any changes/updates to your information from last year (double check address and bank information)
  • Provide a copy of your current ID if you moved/renewed your license since you were last here

Business Owners –

  • Please utilize the Business Organizer and other forms available on this page to gather/consolidate your income and expenses
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